This page details the ongoing changes that are made to the Genetess V1.02 rules. Times are specified for the british timezone with daylight saving applied where appropriate.

06/08/2004 10:56 Change history page added

06/08/2004 18:18 Description of Z (Charge) code updated on Pieces section

09/08/2004 08:39 Addition to Submitting Orders section covering failed orders.

17/09/2004 17:53 Piece description for Teleport Code "N" made consistent at 7E.

19/09/2004 08:29 Submitting orders page changed to include * moves which will be processed immediately.

19/09/2004 10:29 Rounds and turns page changed to show new text in e-mails, and reflect the new * moves that can be stored.

09/12/2004 19:56 Rockfall special modified to ensure Kings have one empty square retained next to them to avoid a stalemate.

27/01/2005 21:24 Double Up special modified to prevent K code being doubled.

28/01/2005 19:12 Rockfall special changed back but new ruling on blocked players introduced to cover all instances when players may have no moves. This is under the submitting orders section.

02/02/2005 23:26 Clarified the fact that you can have as many stored orders lined up as you want in the submitting orders section. Also updated the HOLIDAY order slightly.

18/03/2005 12:22 Rules on stalemate changed in the submitting orders section of the rules as players were not noticing they were having pieces destroyed. The new rules are slightly kinder to players with no valid moves.

09/04/2005 00:22 High score tables updated to include an all time points table as well as percentage table.

13/06/2005 17:01 S2 special adjusted so it can also create exterior walls.

01/07/2005 21:10 "Fishing" rule clarified in submitting turns section of the rules so that if you try a failed move into an area of the board you can't see you will still be allowed another move as long as the deadline for that game has not yet expired.

10/01/2006 07:25 Rules regarding blocked players removed, and instead replaced by an augmentation to the O code allowing any piece containing the O code to be created on a wall square which will immediately be changed into an empty square. Note that this only works on interior walls.

29/06/2020 11:16 General tidy up of minor changes and clarification of rules for attracty and repulse codes

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